Our Product
Our Comodity
PT. Indo Evergreen Sentosa
In Therms of natural resources, different fruits and spices seafood and handicrafts, Indonesia has a lot of promise.
It is not surprising that many international traders competed to acquire natural riches in the 18th century due to their interes in it


Dragon Fruit


Snake Fruit


Natural High Brown

Natural Standard Brown

Alkalized Standard Brown

Alkalized High Brown

Alkalized High Dark Brown

Alkalized Standard Dark Brown




Ribbon Fish

Tuna Fish


Cinammon Stick
The worlds biggest rattan producer is Indonesia. According to estimates, Indonesia pro-duces 85% of the world’s rattan basic materials, with the remaining 15% coming from other Asian nations like the Philippines, Vietnam, and others. One possible product for Indonesia is rattan, which needs to be grown and have a higher export value. The Indonesian govern-ment aspires to become the world’s leading producer of finished rattan goods in addition to being the biggest producer of raw materials

Banana Leafes
Banana leaves are one of the luxuries that are difficult to locate abroad. As a result, compared to Indonesia, the price of banana leaves sold overseas may be very high. Banana fronds are also known to have a variety of health and practical uses.

Banana Stem
Banana stalks have fiber, which is very beneficial for people who are looking to lose weight. According to the recommendation, to support weight loss, we can eat 25g to 40g banana stem/day.